Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Paranoia Agent 1.05

The Holy Warrior

The two detectives interrogate Makoto Kozuka, Shonen Bat. He's the boy who was arrested at the end of the previous episode for attacking at least five different people. Ikari, the older detective takes charge of the questioning but gets nowhere. Ikari gets increasingly more confused the more questions he asks of Kozuka. Maniwa, the younger detective seems to understand what Kozuka is saying.

Kozuka is convinced that he is a holy warrior and on a quest. Ikari keeps trying to bring the story back to reality but Maniwa takes the opposite tactic and accepts Kosuka's story at face value. The two detectives find them selves in a magical world. They follow Kozuka, who is dressed in armor, around. They meet two of his victims in that world, Harumi and Kawazu. Kozuka keeps talking about a supernatural being named Gohma that he is at war with. They finally encounter Gohma at the end of the episode. It is the homeless woman from episode 1.


This series is weird and this episode is really weird. It reminded me a bit of Monsters and Mazes. It has also been compared to Millennium Actress (2001). I'm really not sure how this advances the story or what role the homeless woman or Kozuka will play in the remaining episodes of the series.

There are a couple precious stones of power in this episode: Moon Sapphire and Star Ruby. I want to think that there is some significance to them but I can't figure out what that might be.

I enjoyed this episode but it all went so fast that I wasn't sure what if anything to latch on to. I'm still ready for more even though my brain feels a bit scrambled after this episode.

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