Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Samurai Jack 5.06


Ashi searches for Jack. She meets lots of people who were helped by Jack. She shares moments with them.

Ashi continues to search for Jack. She stops and scrubs herself clean, makes herself some new clothes, and searches some more. She eventually locates Jack in a cemetery. The ghost warrior is with him. Jack looks ready to kill himself.

The ghost warrior warns her to stay back and not interfere. The ghost warrior encourages Jack to end his life. Ashi tries to reassure Jack that he has done much good. She tells him of the many people she has met who are grateful for what he did.

The ghost warrior attacks Ashi. It is ready to deal her a devastating blow when Jack steps in and destroys it. The episode ends with Jack suggesting that it is time to find his sword.


Scaramouche, the robot whom Jack fought in the first episode of this season, is also in this episode. He does not cross paths with Jack or Ashi.

I really like this episode. All of the guest appearances by characters from the first 4 seasons of the show made it feel more like an older episode. Jack also seems to finally be acting like his old self, but not until the end of the episode.

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