Friday, April 1, 2022

Flickers 1.03

Episode 3

Arnie and Maud get the studio built so the company can start to produce movies. They are short on cash. Arnie wants to turn to Cyril for money. Maud says no. Arnie wants to sell the house. Maud says no.

Max starts to shoot a movie that stars Corky Brown. Max gets into a fight with Corky. The fight is started by a stunt that Corky refuses to do. The double brought in to take the fall is much taller than Corky, who decides he's had enough and quits.

Casey, the camera man, and Clara, Lily the child star's older sister, flirt. Casey suggests that Max should put Clara in a movie. Max shoots down the idea, at first, but then asks Casey to take her picture.

Maud gets Arnie to dress more nicely. He goes to the bank to try and get a loan but that doesn't get them anywhere. Maud comes up with the idea of having Max direct a melodrama and letting Corky direct his own picture.


I'm not sure what kept me watching this episode. Any hopes I had that this show would show a spark that would catch me in some way are fading. It is something different but it really isn't doing a whole lot for me.

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