Saturday, April 9, 2022

Humpday (2009)

starring Mark Duplass, Joshua Leonard, Alycia Delmore
directed by Lynn Shelton

Ben (Mark Duplass) and Andrew (Joshua Leonard), friends, decide to make a porno in which they have sex with one another. The first catch is that they are drunk or high when they decide to do it. The second catch is that are both straight, Ben is married but Andrew is not.

Ben tries to tell Anna (Alycia Delmore), his wife, but he chickens out. Andrew ends up revealing their plan thinking that Anna already knows. Anna is not happy when she finds out. She and Ben have been trying to get pregnant.

Ben and Andrew both try to give each other chances to back out but they are both determined to go through with it. They say that it is for the art festival to which the movie will be submitted. Eventually they come to see how stupid they are being. They aren't interested in one another that way. They are friends but there is no sexual attraction.


Lynn Shelton is in this movie. She plays a supporting role in the first half of the movie but she drops out of the story after that.

I heard about this movie when it first came out. I wasn't interested in seeing it then. At some point I recall hearing someone talking about it, possibly Lynn Shelton, and I got a little more interested in seeing it. I watched it tonight because I was looking for something and it was on a list of movies that will be pulled from Tubi in the near future.

I have seen two of Lynn Shelton's other movies: We Go Way Back and Sword of Trust. They are her first and last movies. I enjoyed both of them, probably more than Humpday. I don't think any of her movies that I have seen are perfect but there was enough there that has piqued my interest in her other movies. I might not feel that way if Humpday had been the first of her movies that I saw.

I don't love this movie. It has its moments. It might grow on me a bit if I think about it some more. I just can't get over how stupid their plan seemed. It isn't the writing with which I have problem. My problem is that I knew they weren't going to do it and knowing that I could see what was going to stop them from going through with it. It does have some honest conversations and I like that. It does not feel cliched.

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