Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Atlanta 3.08

New Jazz

Darius takes Al to a special cafe in Amsterdam. They get coffee and cakes which are supposed to get them hgh. They walk around after having the coffee and cake don't feel anything. Al gets separated from Darius. Three teenage boys recognizes Paper Boi. They chase him. He ducks into a building which turns out to be a museum.

Al meets a woman, Lorraine, in the museum. She isn't very nice to him. She hangs around even when he makes it clear that he doesn't want her company. She takes him to a club. He meets Liam Neeson in the club. They leave the club and she does something to him that causes him to collapse.


This is a weird one. It isn't the first weird episode. It seems that the cake did have some effect on Al. He doesn't see Darius again after he loses track of him, early in the episode. 

This feels kind of artsy. I'm sure there's plenty here that were right over my head, in one ear and out the other. I didn't miss the fact that Lorraine was trans. There was something about her voice that made me suspect that was the case. It is never stated explicitly in the episode but the actor playing Lorraine is trans.

Is Lorraine supposed to be Al's mother? Al wakes up at the end of the episode, in bed. Earn is in the room. He asks Earn about Lorraine. Earn seems to think that Al is talking about his mother. I don't think this means that the Lorraine he met was his mother but it does give me food for thought.

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