Monday, January 16, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 25.01.03

Remembrance of the Daleks - Part Three

The Doctor, with some help from the Group Captain Gilmore and his men, shows up just in time to rescue Ace and destroy the Daleks that have surrounded her. He checks on Ace and then goes down to the transmat station in the basement. He destroys it with Ace's supercharged bat although the bat gets destroyed in the process.

The Doctor, Ace, and the others retire to the cafe for a bite to eat. The Doctor suggests that they should reinforce the school. Group Captain Gilmore gets his men on it once they have had a bite to eat.

Ratcliffe has his men dig up the grave where the Hand of Omega was buried. The little girl shows up and watches them dig. She disappears before they are done. Ratcliffe and his men take the casket with them back to the warehouse. Ratcliffe reports in to his boss.

The Doctor explains to Ace that he wants the Daleks to get the Hand of Omega. What has him bothered is the fact that there are two factions of Daleks. He wasn't expecting that twist.

The dark colored Daleks kill Ratcliffe's men. The person he's been working for turns out to be the little girl.

The Doctor and Ace sneak around and sabotage some of the Dalek tech.

The Daleks come after them and attack the school but then the controller, the little girl, recalls them.

The Emperor Dalek sends a shuttlecraft down to Earth. It lands in the schoolyard. The Doctor and the others duck as the windows in the classroom are blown out.


It seems like there's a lot going on here that is not being explained. The connections between the Dalek factions has yet to be explained. I don't understand why there are two factions. What is Ratcliffe's deal and why is Mike working for him? I don't understand. At one point it seems like Group Captain Gilmore is taking orders from the the Doctor. What is up with that?

I've got say that I'm not that impressed with this story. It doesn't make me want to watch more 7th Doctor stories.

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