Friday, January 26, 2024

Better Call Saul 4.07

Something Stupid

The episode opens with a montage. Eight or nine months go by. Kim gets her cast off and her career takes off with Schweikart & Coakley. Jimmy continues to sell burners or drop phones from a van, even after the year is up and he is eligible to get his law license reinstated.

The work on the tunnel goes on. Nerves start to get frayed. It is taking longer than anticipated and the workers need some time off. Jimmy wants to get rid of Kai but the foreman needs him because he's his demolition expert.

Jimmy gets approached by a plain clothes cop who wants him to stop selling phones on the street to criminals. Jimmy says no. Huell sees Jimmy getting accosted and hits the man with a bag of sandwiches. The cop has Huell arrested and goes for a heavy sentence.

Hector is making progress. The doctor that Gus hired is very pleased with the progress Hector has made. She envisions more progress in the weeks and months to come. Gus decides he has seen enough and sends her packing.

Huell doesn't want to go to prison and is thinking about skipping bail. Jimmy tries to talk him out of it. He turns to Kim for help. She agrees to help although she doesn't understand why Jimmy was selling phones on the street. Kim tries to work her magic on the prosecutor. It doesn't work but then she gets an idea.


Nacho, Victor, and Tyrus are not in tis episode. 

Jimmy and Kim seem to be growing apart. That is very evident in the opening montage. The ending of the episode seems to contradict the notion that they are moving apart but I have my doubts that their relationship is going to last.

I'm not sure what Kim has planned. What is with all the office supplies?

This is an okay episode but it feels very much like connective tissue that gets the show from one place to another. I like it but I don't love it.

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