Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 11.05.04

Planet of the Spiders - Part Four

The Doctor is badly injured but he recovers thanks to Sarah Jane. She retrieves a device from the TARDIS that he asks her to get but she is captured by Lupton who takes her to the spiders. Arak brings the device that Sarah retrieved from the TARDIS. The Dotor uses it to help him recover.

Mike Yates, back on Earth, tries to reason with the employees of the meditation center but they knock him out and tie him up. The blue crystal starts while Tommy is looking at it. He falls down and when he wakes up he seems much more intelligent.

The Doctor goes to find Sarah Jane. Lupton tries to stop the Doctor but the guards arrest Lupton and take him to the queen. More guards take the Doctor to Sarah Jane who is bound with spider webs. She is happy to see him until she notices the guards.


The Doctor and Sarah Jane learn about how the eight legs (spiders) and two legs (himans) wound up on Metebelis III and then get captured.

Lupton doesn't play as big a part in this episode as he did in previous ones. It's a pity because I thought he was a more interesting character than the villagers with whom first Sarah Jane and then the Doctor spend time.

Barry Letts mentions on the commentary track that originally the final story of this season was also going to be the final appearance of Roger Delgado as the Master. Roger Delgado was killed in a car accident which is why that never happened.

This was a slow episode. Not much happened. There was some fighting but no chase or excitement of any other kind.

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