Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Sopranos 2.04


Tony goes to Italy on a business trip. He takes Paulie and Christopher with him. He goes to Naples to talk business with one of the local bosses. Tony's family originates from that area. Carmella isn't happy that she is left behind.

Pussy Bonpensiero runs into Jimmy Bones, an Elvis impersonator that he knows, while he is meeting with an FBI agent. They are in a party store at the time. The agent is pretty sure that Jimmy doesn't suspect anything. Pussy isn't as certain and kills the guy before the end of the episode.

Angie, Pussy's wife, might have cancer. She told him but he didn't act concerned or show any empathy. She confides to Carmella and Rosalie Aprile that she is thinking about getting a divorce. She thinks about it a little bit but by the end of the episode she's ready to leave him. Carmella tries to talk her out of it but her reasoning doesn't sound very persuasive.

Christopher and Paulie have their own little adventures while they are in Italy. Christopher talks a good game when they arrive. He wants to see the sights, take it all in. He winds up spending the whole time getting high. Paulie tries to take in the local culture but his Italian isn't good enough and he winds up insulting people more often that not.

Tony winds up talking business with the Annalisa, the wife of the head of the family. Her husband is in prison for a long time. Tony isn't crazy about talking business with a woman but he puts up with it. They finally strike a deal that gets him her right hand man, Furio.


I didn't recall much from this episode, other than the trip to Italy and that Tony ended up having to deal with a woman. I thought it was okay. It didn't bore me but there were some things that felt a bit forced or as if they happened a little too quickly. There's lots of foreshadowing of things to come.

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