Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Atypical 3.01

Best Laid Plans

Sam is getting ready for college but he's got a couple things distracting him. One of the people in his support group mentions that 4 our of 5 people on the spectrum don't graduate college in 4 years. That worries him. Zahid helps to get Sam back on track. He convinces him that all he needs to do is plan and he can conquer college.

Doug still doesn't want to talk to Elsa about Nick. She accidentally sets his bed on fire. She's desperate to talk to him and it shows in the way she acts. Her behavior doesn't do anything for Doug. Julia tells her that she needs to back off.

Casey is torn between Izzy and Evan. She doesn't want to talk to Elsa. Her appendix bursts one night during dinner. She has to have it removed. Izzy comes over to keep her company after she gets out of the hospital. Evan shows up. All three cuddle in bed and watch a movie.

Sam's other distraction is Paige. She agrees that they should get back together, even though he didn't ask. They go on lots of dates. A few days before she is getting ready to leave for college she says she wants to have sex with him. Circumstances conspire against them.

First one thing and then another prevent Sam and Paige from getting together. They go back to the Olive Garden, but this time it is just the two of them. Sam goes running off when he realizes that he missed the first day of registration. He later realizes his mistake, with some help from Casey, and goes back and apologizes to Paige. She accepts his apology but there is no chance for them to have sex before she leaves.


Julia's appearance in this episode was a bit random. It served a couple purposes but it seemed a bit odd that she was at Doug's presentation to the police department.

This show can be painful to watch sometimes. Sam gets obsessed with what seems to me like minutiae. Elsa is another story.

Nothing blew me away in this episode but I enjoyed it.

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