Nagate and Shizuka return to Sidonia. Everyone seems to be happy to see them but Kunato is bothered. He doesn't like it when the news announcer rhetorically asks if Tanikaze is the second coming of the Knight of Sidonia.
Nagate finds his locker filled with bags of rice. Izana catches up to him as he is staring at the bags of rice. They go to see the memorial to the squad who were killed in 1.03. They pass Yuhata on their way out. Nagate can't hear it but Yuhata mumbles words of thanks to him as they pass one another. Her brother was part of the squad.
Kobayahi is summoned by the Immortals. They question her decision to involve Tanikaze. They think it is a mistake because he was trained by Hiroki Saito. Kobayashi defends her decision. They warn her that if things go wrong she will be responsible for getting rid of him.
Nagate goes to see Lala Hiyama. She prepares a meal for him. Shizuka joins him.
Ochiai confronts Kobayasi about the antiwar protests. She seems to be satisfied that she has things under control.
Nagate finds out that he and the rest of the squad (Kunato, En, Shizuka) are all getting promoted to full garde pilots. The ceremony is later that day. Kunato approaches Nagate after the ceremony. He doesn't apologize but he doesn't want there to be any tension between them.
Yuhata is at the ceremony. She approaches Nagate and starts coming on to him very aggressively. Nagate tries talking to Kobayashi as she is on her way out. He asks her questions as they ride on an elevator. He wants to know why he is getting special treatment from her, why his grandfather kept him underground, and why he heals so fast.
Nagate is greeted by Shikuza when he returns from his talk with Kobayashi. They are quickly joined by Yuhata and Izana. Yuhata suggests that they go to the floating Heigus tanks. She wants to get Nagate alone but things don't work out in her favor. Shizuka winds up alone with Nagate in one of the floating tanks.
Kunato is still irked about Nagate's elevation.
A cluster of Gauna is approaching Sidonia. The gardes are scrambled and sent out to defend their world. Nagate wakes up. Something has gone wrong. He is injured. He turns on the television and sees that the battle with the Gauna cluster (there were 29 of them in total) is over. All but one of the Gauna were destroyed and Shizuka is dead.
Good one although once again there is a lot to digest in this episode. It really helps to watch it more than once. I was very amused by the contrast between Shizuka, Izana and Yuhata. Kunato is clearly up to something but I don't remember exactly what, even though I have watched this season before.
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