Friday, June 19, 2020

Dear White People 2.05

Chapter V

Joelle's life feels off. She is Sam's sidekick. She's sneaking around helping Gabe with his documentary. Things start to look up when she meets Trevor, a guy in one of her classes, who doesn't live in Armstrong-Parker. He takes her to the food lab. She shows him the underground railroad station beneath A-P. She has a hard time talking him into seeing what she loves about A-P. She finally convinces him to come and watch TV in the common room at A-P but very quickly she starts to see through him. 


Lena Waite makes another appearance as P. Ninny on one of the TV shows that the residents of A-P watch. Tessa Thompson (who played the part of Sam in the Dear White People movie) shows up as a talking head on a TV show.

It was nice to see that for once there is someone (Trevor) on the show who is black and isn't enamored of Armstrong-Parker. The bad new is that this is his one and only appearance.

Joelle finally gets the spotlight. I was happy to see her get an episode but I have to be honest that it isn't my favorite. It didn't feel as tied in to the rest of the show as some episodes do. It also rushed by a bit quickly. I should probably watch it again. I might have missed stuff.

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