Thursday, June 4, 2020

Dear White People 2.03

Chapter III

Lionel goes to some parties with Silvio on Pride Night. Lionel hopes for more than he gets from Silvio. He feels awkward and out of place at the parties. He tries to make conversation but gets brushed off at most of the parties. Lionel decides after the third party that he's had enough of Silvio, who has spent the night looking for a set of keys that he left somewhere, and takes off.

Troy accompanies Silvio and Lionel to the first couple parties. He winds up dancing with Brooke at the second party. Coco and Joelle are also there. Coco steers clear of Troy. Sam is also at the second party and Lionel talks with her briefly.

Lionel meets Wesley, someone new, at the third party. They both are being ignored by their dates. They don't talk very long but later that night Wesley sends Lionel a Facebook friend request.


The first two-thirds of this episode flew by. I wasn't picking up much but maybe that was the director's intent. The camera angles were different in this episode. There were a lot of upward angled shots. Maybe that was also part of the director's way to set the mood? That's my best guess.

I didn't dislike this episode but until Lionel and Silvio left the third party I wasn't sure what to make of it. I thought that maybe things were just going over my head up to that point. It's a decent episode but I wasn't crazy about it.

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