Monday, June 1, 2020

Atypical 3.10

Searching for Brown Sugar Man

Sam gets help searching for Zahid so that he can prevent him from marrying Gretchen and missing his nursing mid-term. Abby is the first to offer to help out. Once they figure out where the wedding is going to take place they turn to Casey for help getting there. She doesn't have wheels but when she hears what they are trying to do she insists on joining them. Paige winds up being their ride to the casino where the wedding is going to take place.

Doug has a business trip planned. Megan will also be there. Elsa isn't happy to let him go but she doesn't want to seem pushy so she lets him go on the trip. She has regrets afterwards and goes to see Julia to talk about it. Doug gets to the hotel where the unspecified business event is going to happen. He tells Megan about how things have been going between himself and Elsa. Megan doesn't want to take things any further than they have unless he is certain. Doug isn't so he heads home. Julia tells Elsa that she probably gave Doug a little too much space. Elsa decides that she needs to go after Doug.

Casey and Izzy make up and make out. Casey finds out that UCLA is still interested in her but she will have to make some big sacrifices if she wants to go. She mulls it over during the episode. She talks to Evan about it when she runs in to him by chance. He inspires her with his decision to start training to be an EMT. Casey decides to go for it.

Sam and friends catch up to Zahid just in time to learn that Gretchen dumped him. Sam finds Zahid moping at a batting cage. Zahid isn't interested in being homeys again but Sam convinces him that it is the right thing to do. They affirm their friendship in front of an Elvis impersonator who was supposed to marry Zahid and Gretchen. They rush back to town. Zahid takes his mid-term and passes.

The episode ends on happy notes all around. Julia hires Paige to be her nanny. Doug and Elsa kiss and make up. Casey tells Izzy about her decision to train in the hopes of making it on to the UCLA track team. Sam and Zahid decide to get an apartment together.


They covered a lot of ground in this episode, maybe a little too much for me. I liked it but I didn't love it. I was right that Gretchen would break Zahid's heart. He fell for her way too fast. 

This one flew by quickly. There weren't any emotional moments that got me choked up. There were some heartfelt moments and some good laughs. No real cliffhangers but there are some suggestions as to what might happen in season 4.

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