Friday, June 5, 2020

Better Call Saul 1.02


Tuco hasn't killed the brothers. He knocks them out, ties them up, and is trying to decide what to do with them when Jimmy shows up. Jimmy tries to play it smooth but the brothers accuse him of being the mastermind, which is true. Tuco gets some of his buddies and they take Jimmy and the twins out to the desert.

Jimmy talks his way out of death and mutilation but Tuco still wants to kill the brothers for insulting his grandmother. Jimmy pleads with him. Tuco is very resistant but Jimmy convinces him that breaking their legs would be better than killing them.

Jimmy drives the boys to the emergency room and pays for the care they receive. He goes out on a date after that but he can't stop thinking about the broken legs. He crashes once again at Chuck's place, who is still acting weird.

Jimmy goes back to work as a public defender. He works a bunch of cases during a musical montage. He has a number of encounters with Mike who works the booth at the parking lot at the courthouse. Jimmy never seems to have enough validation stickers on his ticket and always has to go back and get more.

Jimmy is in his office in the back of the nail salon one day when he gets a visit from Nacho, one of Tuco's friends. Jimmy told them about Craig and Betsy Kettleman, who embezzled over a million dollars from the county. Nacho wants to rob them but he needs to know where they've got the money stashed. He wants Jimmy to figure that part out. Jimmy says he's not a criminal but Nacho leaves him his number just in case.


The musical montage did not impress me. It seemed cute and lazy to me. I did enjoy the negotiation scene in the desert. It didn't make laugh out loud but it did bring a smile to my face. The problem was that it felt as if there was very little in the way of stakes. I knew that Jimmy and Tuco would both survive the scene because they are both in Breaking Bad.

Tuco was only in four episodes of Breaking Bad, the last one was early in season 2. I watched that episode in Feb 2011 but I wasn't keeping notes back then. I remember enjoying the show but I don't remember very much about Tuco.

I thought the date scene was a bit out of place. It seemed to be there just to emphasize how Jimmy is shaken by watching Tuco break the brothers legs.

I don't know what to make of Chuck. He just seems weird. Jimmy's encounters with Mike feel a bit forced. They are going to work together in the future but their interactions here felt empty.

I still don't love this series but I will probably give it a couple more episodes.

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