Monday, October 4, 2021

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 4.11

Beast Island

Adora, Bow, and Swift Wind arrive on Beast Island. They are there to find Entrapta. They find something else, trouble. Adora can't transform into She-Ra. They are attacked by lots of large beasts. It doesn't look good for them when someone shows up and saves them, but it isn't Entrapta. It is King Micah, Glimmer's father.

Micah has lost all sense of time since he has been on Beast Island. He thinks Glimmer is still a little girl. He is amazed to learn that Swift Wind can speak. They try to keep from him the fact that Angela is gone but he eventually finds out.

Glimmer goes to the Beacon, to see Light Hope. Glimmer is not authorized to be there. Light Hope sends hordes of robotic spider creatures after her but Glimmer destroys them all. 

Adora, Bow, Swift Wind, and King Micah head to the center of Beast Island. The place is littered with First Ones tech. There is a noise that is overwhelming. The island begins to overpower them. Adora refuses to give in and finally transforms into She-Ra. She saves her friends and then Entrapta shows up.

Light Hope finally appears before Glimmer who tells the hologram that she wants to control the power at the center of Etheria so that she can defeat the Horde. Light hope tells her about the power at the center of Etheria and what must be done in order to tame it. The key to it is a Princess who has never connected with her rune stone, Scorpia.


It looks like Glimmer is getting power hungry, like Catra. That's my read of the situation. I'm sure things can change but that's the direction is feels like things are headed at the moment. If that momentum shifts I suspect it won't be until next season.

Queen Angela shows up in a flashback that Adora has right before she finally finds the strength to transform. That moment, coupled with Micah learning that his wife was gone got me very emotional. 

This was a good episode, not great but worth my time. I'm glad I came back here and now.

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