Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 1.02.07

The Rescue
(aka The Daleks - Part Seven)

Ian is saved when Antodus cuts the rope and falls to his death. The small group of humans and Thals led by Ganatus keeps going until they reach what looks like a dead end. They consider going back but then Ian finds a way out which leads into the Dalek city.

The Doctor and Susan are held prisoner as the Daleks prepare to detonate a neutron bomb. The Doctor tries to bargain with them. He tells them about his ship and where it can be found but they refuse to abandon their plan to destroy all life on Skaro, except themselves, with radiation.

Alydon and his group make their way into the city. They meet up with the group Ganatus is leading. They attack the Dalek control room and disable the controls. The Daleks power source is disabled and the Daleks are rendered helpless.

The Doctor and his companions say their goodbyes, get in the TARDIS, and leave. As they are departing something goes wrong inside the TARDIS and they all fall to the ground.


The Daleks seemed a little too easy to defeat in this episode. One or more of the Thals were killed but the humans and Thals also defeated the Daleks with rocks and by grabbing them. It was unclear how the Daleks' power source was turned off. I'm glad that this episode is over but I can't say that it was a great ending or a great story. It showed more promise in the early going but the last couple episodes felt like they had a fair amount of padding. That said, I am glad that I watched it.

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