Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Future Man 1.07

Pandora's Mailbox

Josh, Wolf, and Tiger use the last of the Cameronium to travel to the James Cameron Compound (JCC) in the year 2023. Josh tries to fake his way in by pretending to be Tom Arnold's son. SIGORN-E, the house security system buys the lie. Tiger and Josh go looking for the Cameronium. Wolf looks for SIGORN-E's brain, so that he can blow it up.

Wolf gets into a conversation with SIGORN-E and accidentally reveals that Josh is not really Tom Arnold's son. SIGORN-E locks the house down and traps them. Wolf continues his conversation with SIGORN-E which eventually leads to them sharing a moment. The house computer decides she can't let James Cameron win again. She releases them and helps them to locate the Cameronium.

Josh winds up having to dive into icy cold water to get the Cameronium because the other two don't know how to swim. He makes it back with the stuff but he is dead. Wolf and Tiger have to revive him but neither of them wants to perform mouth-to-mouth on Josh. Eventually Tiger gives in and does it.  Josh returns to the land of the living.

Wolf tearfully destroys SIGORN-E. She show him how to do it and insists on it. She doesn't want Cameron to reprogram her for the umpteenth time. The three time travelers depart just before Cameron returns.


There were lots of little references to James Cameron movies. This was not the funniest episode yet but it was fun and ridiculous.

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