Saturday, January 4, 2020

Fargo 3.09


Emmit confesses to Gloria. He tells her about what happened in some detail. She has him locked up. She gets a call from Winnie about another murder. The victim's last name is Stussy. This is just one of two other murders of men named Stussy. Meemo is shown killing one of the men but the murder is pinned on someone else.

Gloria calls Ruby Goldfarb and has her come down to the station. She got the information from Winnie about her questioning of Goldfarb but it doesn't jive with Emmit's story. Gloria is in the midst of questioning Ruby Goldfarb when Chief Dammick returns with the suspect. There is physical, circumstantial evidence that places him at the sites of all four murders and he confesses to having committed them. Gloria doesn't buy it but once again Dammick is convinced that he's right and refuses to see things any way other than his own.

Swango and Wrench rob Varga's operation. They get the 18-wheeler and steal data from them. They contact Varga and ask for $2 million in return for the stolen information. They arrange for a meeting. Swango meets with Varga in the lobby of a hotel.

He offers her a job but she's not interested. It seems like Swango has the upper hand but then it seems like Varga does but then the balance swings back in the other direction. Varga had Meemo with a sniper rifle ready to shoot her but Wrench gets to him before he can take his shot. Swango leaves after getting the signal from Wrench that everything is okay.

Emmit is released from jail. Gloria explains the situation to him. She tries to get him to reveal who Varga is but he freezes and doesn't say anything. Varga and Meemo are waiting for him when he leaves the Meeker County police station. He gets in the car with him and they drive off.

Gloria and Winnie have a drink after work. Gloria tells Winnie about what happened. She also tells her about the Planet Wyh, her step-father's book. It is the story of the robot from 3.03. She confesses her frustration and her inability to get machines to work. Winnie gives her a hug. It seems to make Gloria feel better. She goes into the bathroom and finds that now the faucet and soap dispenser work for her.

The episode ends with the IRS auditor whom Memmo chased off in 3.06 receiving a package with printouts and a thumb drive with financial records from Stussy, Inc.


There is and there isn't a lot to digest in this episode. As with 3.08 there are two plots running side by side in this story. They have points of intersection but for the most part they seem to operate independently. In this case I thought that they were both equally interesting.

I was a bit surprised that Emmit was too frightened of Varga to tell Deputy Burgle about him. She gave him an opening. He didn't even have to bring up the subject himself but he wouldn't budge.

If anything deserves further scrutiny it is the operations of Swango and Wrench. How did they know where to hijack the 18-wheeler? Is someone bankrolling them? Maybe if Yuri, who has yet to resurface, was working with them I might understand it a bit better but I don't think he's the type to either change sides or give up information while being tortured. I can't help but feel as if someone must be bankrolling them. Ruby Goldfarb? I don't know.

It was good to see that the questioning of Ruby Goldfarb didn't just vanish into the ether. I was a bit perturbed when it wasn't mentioned at all in the previous episode.

Things are set for a couple showdowns. I'm not expecting there to be a big shootout like there was at the end of the second season. There will have to be some bloodshed. Yuri had better return. Chief Dammick deserves to have his nose rubbed in it and hopefully he will. I will be a bit surprised if Emmit survives the end of the show, but it's possible. Swango and Wrench might survive but I will be surprised if they are free at the end of the season.

This was a damn good episode and I'm looking forward to the season finale.

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