Wednesday, August 5, 2020

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 2.01

The Frozen Forest

A month has passed since the Battle of Bright Moon. Glimmer, Bow, Frosta, Mermista, and Perfuma have been busy fighting the Horde's bots in the Whispering Woods while Adora trains within the Beacon. She has learned how to transform her sword when she wants to but quite frequently it transforms into things that aren't very helpful like a flute or a mug. The Princess Alliance is able to defeat the bots day in and day out but they don't have any time left to do anything else significant.

Bow suggests, at the council called by Queen Angella, that they should capture one of the bots. He could study it and create a kill switch to knock all the bots out at once. The queen likes his plan. Glimmer is charged with leading the mission. She orders Frosta, who has been getting on her nerves, to stay behind. The others take off to capture a bot but they soon discover that Frosta has ignored Glimmer's orders and followed them.

The Horde is in training for their next assault on Bright Moon and the Princess Alliance. Catra is still running things for Hordak. Entrapta comes up with a new robot design which she names EKS (Emily's Kid Sister). The EKS are powered by First Ones technology. Entrapta only has enough First Ones tach to power four EKS but Catra knows where they can find more, the Beacon.

The Princess Alliance runs into the quartet of EKS that Entrapta sent to break into the Beacon. The EKS are too much for them at first but once they have beaten the princesses they leave. Glimmer gets fed up with Frosta and yells at her. Frosta's feelings are hurt and she runs off. Glimmer realizes she made a mistake. She apologizes and Frosta returns to the group.

The Princess Alliance confronts Entrapta's newest creations outside the Beacon. Catra, Entrapta, and Scorpia are able to watch the battle from the Fright Zone thanks to the cameras on the EKS. The princesses team up and destroy two of bots. Catra makes a third one self-destruct after it becomes clear what the princesses are up to. She-Ra manages to disable the fourth one without destroying it. The collective action of the Princesses also has a healing effect on the Whispering Woods which start to heal once the fight is over. 

Catra is not happy. She goes to see Shadow Weaver who is still locked up. Shadow Weaver suspects that Catra needs help but Catra is just there to gloat.

Bow takes the EKS apart and discovers a piece of First Ones' tech inside. He realizes that this must mean that Entrapta is still alive.


I love how Frosta has changed. She's acting like Glimmer did in the first season. She thinks she knows everything. She's like the little sister that Glimmer never had. Glimmer winds up acting like her mother. She even acknowledges that her behavior toward Frosta resembles her mother's.

Overall I thought this was a good start to this season. I'm curious to see where it goes next. Will Entrapta change sides again? Will any new characters be introduced? Will Mara show up? I would love to see an episode where Adora travels back in time and meets Mara.

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