Monday, June 28, 2021

Mr. Inbetween 3.04

Cut the Crap Princess

Ray tries meditating but Gary interrupts him with an idea for a porn production company. Ray doesn't like the idea. Ray stops by a gym and talks to an old friend. His friend asks him about his line of work and why he's still in it. Ray seems to be a bit short on answers.

Britt goes looking in Ray's bedroom when he's not home. She finds a pistol. She plays around with it and winds up shooting a hole in the wall. She tries to cover it up but Ray can smell the gunpowder. She tries to pretend nothing's wrong but eventually she tells him and shows him the hole. She wants him to take her shooting but he isn't too keen on that idea.

Ray does Gary a favor. He goes to pick up a bag from Gary's house. Gary doesn't want to run into Tatiana. Ray retrieves the bag. Gary shows him what's in the bag: a vagankle. Gary insists on explaining what it's for when Ray seems confused by it.

Ray gets a call from someone who needs him to do a job. Ray drives out to a secluded beach house where there's a young man with the body of a dead woman. Ray takes the body away. He's told by the guy who hired him to feed it to some pigs. Ray is clearly bothered by the whole experience. He takes the body to the place he was directed. There are pigs there but decides not to feed it to the pigs. He grabs a digging tool and walks out to a field with the body.


Ray does some soul searching in this episode. It isn't always clear what's on his mind. He doesn't say what he's thinking but it isn't hard to read it on his face and in his body language.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen when Britt started to play with the gun. I didn't think she was going to die or accidentally shoot herself but the way she was handling the gun still made me nervous.

This is a good one, maybe the best of the season up to this point. Ray doesn't seem quite so invincible. I'm not sure what to expect next. Even if Ray does stay soft and vulnerable I don't think it will be for long. 

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