Sunday, June 13, 2021

Better Call Saul 2.01


Gene (Jimmy's alias after Breaking Bad) is still working at Cinnabon in Omaha, NE. He shuts down the shop and takes the trash to the dumpster. He accidentally locks himself in to the room where the dumpster is located. The only way out is a second door which has an alarm that will sound if it is opened. He considers opening it but decides not to. Someone eventually lets Jimmy out. Scratched on the wall where Jimmy sat while he waited for someone to let him out is "SG was here".

The final moments of the end of the season 1 closer are replayed. Jimmy turns down the offer from Davis & Main. Kim doesn't understand she tries talking some sense into him but he won't listen.

Mike parts way with Bryce after he sees Bryce's new car, a flashy new Hummer. Bryce thinks Mike is overpaid and doesn't need his help. Bryce meets with Nacho on his own. Everything goes smoothly except that that Nacho gets a glance at the registration for Bryce's new car.

Kim finds Jimmy at a hotel. They talk in the bar. Jimmy won't listen. He isn't interested in taking the job at Main & Davis. He pulls her into a scam as a way of showing her what he really wants to do. They don't get any money out of it but they do scam somebody who is looking to scam them. They wind up back at her place. He spends the night.

Bryce calls the police. Someone broke into his place and tossed it. His extremely valuable baseball cards are missing. The police hear what he's saying but they seem a bit suspicious. When he leaves the room for a few minutes they notice that there is one spot that is still undisturbed. They pull back a sofa and find a hiding space behind the baseboard. They put the sofa back and don't reveal what they have found.

The next day Jimmy returns to the hotel. He spots a new mark. He calls Kim. He wants her to run a scam with him but then he changes his mind. He calls Davis & Main and tells them that he has changed his mind. He accepts their offer. They set him up with an office in Santa Fe.

There is a light switch in his office that is taped in the on position with a sign saying to always leave it on. Jimmy tries turning it off. Nothing happens. He turns it back on.


The title of the episode could refer to a few things. It could be a reference to the way Jimmy changed his mind. It could also be a reference to the light switch in his office.

The guy who Jimmy and Kim scam was also in an episode of Breaking Bad. One of the cops who visits Bryce's house was also in an episode of Breaking Bad. 

I really like that the episode opened with another look at Saul in the present. I wonder if the alarm would have actually gone off if he had opened the door? Maybe it doesn't work anymore. Saul is just a little too skittish to try it.

Chuck was not in this episode. Mike was in this episode but not for very long. Nacho got about as much screen time as Mike did. I'm eager to see where things go with Bryce and Nacho. Bryce knows enough to use a different name, according to the registration in the Hummer, but he is clearly in way over his head.

What is up with the lights switch? Is this a red herring? Does it have any significance? The sign could have been put there by the previous occupant. I hope it is Chekov's light switch and does have some meaning, even if it takes the whole or most of the season before anything comes of it.

Albuquerque and Santa Fe aren't too terribly far apart. Jimmy could conceivably continue to live in Albuquerque and work in Santa Fe. I don't anticipate this job lasting beyond the end of the season. It might not even come close to lasting that long.

I'm very happy with this episode and pumped for what comes next. I have no clear idea of where it is all going to go.

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