Saturday, September 24, 2022

Okja (2017)

Okja (2017)

starring Tilda Swinton, Paul Dano, Seo-hyun Ahn, Jake Gyllenhaal
co-written and directed by Bong Joon Ho

2 hours

Mija (Seo-hyun Ahn) is separated from Okja, the super pig with whom she grew up. She goes on a quest to rescue Okja who has been taken by Mirando, the corporation that created her. Mija, follows Okja from the mountains of Korea first to Seoul and then to New York City. Mija and Okja receive some help from the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) both in Seoul and in New York City.


I stayed away from this movie until I learned that it was directed by Bong Joon Ho. It is the fourth movie of his that I have seen. I was curious to see how compared to Memories of Murder, Mother, and Parasite.

Tilda Swinto plays the head of the Mirando Corporation. Giancarlo Esposito plays her righthand man. Paul Dano plays the head of the ALF team. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a TV personality who is an employee of the Mirando Corporation. There are a few other familiar faces in smaller roles including Steven Yuen.

I was not bored by this movie. I found myself thinking more and enjoying the spectacle less the more I watched. The special effects were quite good although there were brief moments here and there where something seemed off about the physical depiction of Okja. 

I don't love this movie but it was worth my time. I preferred the parts that took place in South Korea. The movie got considerably darker and less humorous in the second hour.

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