Monday, September 12, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 22.06.02

Revelation of the Daleks - Part Two

The stone monument falls on the Doctor. Jobel wanders outside and tries to comfort Peri who is distraught. Jobel is interested in Peri and assumes that the Doctor must be dead. The Doctor is not dead and crawls out from under the monument.

The Doctor and Peri leave Jobel behind and go looking for answers. They meet Tasambeker  who gives them a crash course on the services that they have to offer at Tranquil Repose. She shows them a video of the DJ. Peri wants to meet the DJ. Jobel shows her the way.

Orcini and Bostock arrive at Tranquil Repose. They are checking their gear when they are interrupted by a Dalek. Orcini shoots and destroys it but the explosion alerts Davros to the presence of the two assassins. Davros correctly assumes that they must have been sent by Kara. He sends Daleks to bring Kara to him. Vogel objects and is killed by the Daleks.

Tasambeker meets with the Great Healer (aka Davros). He tells her about how he offered Jobel eternal life, as a Dalek, and how Jobel refused the offer. Tasambeker agrees that Jobel is a fool even though she still has some affection for him. Davros orders her to kill Jobel. She tries one last time to convince Jobel to run away with her. He a laughs at the suggestion and she kills him. She is killed herself by Daleks minutes later.

Takis and Lilt apprehend the Doctor and lock him up with Natasha and Grigory. The Doctor is working on freeing all three of them when Orcini and Bostock show up. They release the three prisoners in the hopes that their escape will create enough a diversion. Orcini orders them not to follow him.

Natasha and Grigory attempt to destroy the room where Davros is creating fresh Daleks. Davros gets wind of what they are up to and sends a Dalek after them. Natasha and Grigory try to complete their mission but they are no match for the Dalek.

Orcini and Bostock find the laboratory of Davros. They try to kill him and think they have succeeded only to discover that they have been tricked. Oricini loses part of his left leg. Bostock is knocked unconscious.

Peri meets the DJ. She uses his headset to contact the Doctor. Davros overhears their conversation and sends Daleks to bring Peri to him. The DJ puts together a weapon that fires a bean of pure rock and roll. He uses it to destroy two Daleks before a third one kills him.

Kara is brought to Davros. He shows her the signaling device that she gave to Orcini. He asks her what it is for but it isn't until Orcini almost detonates it that she tells them that it is actually a bomb. Orcini kills Kara with a knife.

The Doctor is captured by Daleks and brought to Davros. The Doctor and Davros talk. Davros reveals that he has turned some of the cryogenically frozen people into Daleks. The rest he has turned into food.

Takis makes a deal with a group of dark grey colored Daleks who serve the Supreme Dalek. They arrive on Necros and get into a fight with the white Daleks who serve Davros. The dark grey Daleks win and take over. Bostock is killed in the fight. The dark grey Daleks arrest Davros and take him back to Skaro for trial. Davros insists that they should be taking the Doctor instead but the dark grey Daleks don't recognize him. 

The dark grey Daleks leave one of their kind behind to guard the humans. The Doctor, Orcini, and Peri team up to kill the guard. Orcini tells the others to clear out of there. He is going to blow up the place. He hopes the blast will catch Davros too. The others leave, Orcini blows up the laboratory, killing himself but Davros gets away.


Orcini is a Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon. This story contains the first mention of this organization. The only other places it shows up, according to my research, is in a couple prose stories.

Oricini's gun shoots plastic bullets. Is there a significance to that fact? I'm not sure. 

Consumer Resistance is Davros' explanation for why they don't reveal the secret behind their food source. It sounds like something out of an economics class. Now I want to see the episode where Davros is teaching economics, zapping students who seem incapable or unwilling to learn.

This episode has a fairly high body count for named characters. Natasha and Grigory get killed by a Dalek. Tasambeker kills Jobel and then is killed by a couple Daleks. Vogel is killed by a Dalek and Kara is killed by Orcini. The DJ is killed by a Dalek after he kills a couple Daleks. Bostock is killed by a Dalek and Orcini kills himself when he detonates the bomb. That's eight named characters killed, nine if DJ is a name. 

The DJ seems like such an odd fit for this story. I wonder why they chose to put him in this story?

I love Davros in this episode. He has real passion for his work and it shows. There's nothing quite like a passionate villain. The Supreme Dalek is only mentioned in this episode but I would definitely take Davros over the Supreme Dalek based on his passion and intensity alone.

I wasn't planning on watching this story at this point but when I saw that the Who Back When podcast would be covering it soon I decided to give it a watch. I sent them an abbreviated version of my write up. 

The story is overstuffed. I like most of the supporting cast of characters (Orcini, Bostock, Kara, Vogel, Davros, Takis) but there's a little too much going on. I prefer that over it feeling like there isn't enough to fill up the space allotted. This is not a great story but it is better than average and has great moments and great supporting characters.

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