Monday, January 27, 2025

Moonlighting 2.16

Sleep Talkin' Guy

A prostitute named Toby comes into the office and tells David about Jerry, one of her regular clients, who said something in his sleep about someone named Farley getting murdered later that night. She doesn't want to hire David. She just thought she should tell someone.

There's no job so David doesn't do anything about it. The the front page story the next day is about someone named Farley who was murdered. David finds Toby and pays her to listen to what her regular client who talks in his sleep has to say and report back to him. She says okay.

The information Toby passes along helps to solve a big case. David gets calls from the mayor and the police department thanking him for the help. He continues to pay Toby for whatever she can find out and pass along to him. David and Maddie grow further apart and stop working together but professionally David's career is going great.

One day David goes to see Toby and finds out that someone is planning to kill him. David freaks out. He's ready to skip town when Maddie comes to see him. She tells him how she's really impressed by all the cases he's been solving. Her speech gives him an idea of how to solve his problem.


I think I might have seen this episode before, way back when. There were a few moments in it that felt familiar.

This episode is a nice companion piece to the previous one. Maddie and David were growing closer together in the previous one but in this one they are growing apart. David almost quits Blue Moon in both episodes. 

I really enjoyed this episode. I like how silly and ridiculous it gets. I also like how Maddie reacts when she thinks David's a genius and when she finds out that he isn't. The bar fight at the end of the episode was also a lot of fun.

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