Monday, September 30, 2019

Star Blazers 2199 1.10

Graveyard of the Universe

Gamilan Commander Goer is demoted and sent out to locate the Yamato.

The Yamato attempts another warp jump only to get stuck in a dimensional rift. There are lots of other ships stuck in the rift but only one of them is helmed by a living crew. It is the EX-178, a Gamilan ship.

The Gamilan's send over a negotiator who proposes a truce until they can find a way out of the pocket dimension. It is the first time that the humans have met a Gamilan face to face. They are stunned to see that Melda Ditz, the Gamilan negotiator, looks very much like a human. Ditz suggests that the Yamato could create a hole in the dimensional rift, through which the two ships could escape. The only issue is that the Yamato would be dead in the water after firing the Wave Motion Gun. It would have to rely on the EX-178 to tow it free from the dimensional pocket.

Commander Okita decides to accept the offer despite objections from some of the senior crew. The Gamilan's leave their negotiator on board the Yamato as a sign of good faith. The Wave Motion Gun creates a passage back to normal space. Vars Lang, the captain of EX-178 honors his part of the deal but a member of the Imperial Guard that is aboard the EX-178 attempts to break the deal and leave the Yamato behind. Yamamoto and Ditz fight aboard the Yamato while the fate of the Yamato and all aboard seems uncertain.

The two ships make it back to normal space just as Commander Goer arrives with his fleet. Goer orders the commander of the EX-178 to stand aside so that they can destroy the Yamato. The commander of EX-178 refuses and Goer orders his ships to open fire on the EX-178, destroying it. He ignored the fact that Storm Leader Ditz, daughter of Admiral Ditz, had yet to be recalled from the Yamato.

The Yamato manages to escape the barage of canon fire. Most of the Gamilan ships are sucked into the dimensional pocket. Commander Goer's flagship is the only one to escape. Storm Leader Ditz is stuck aboard the Yamato.


The opening music to this episode was a little different than it was for the last several. It wasn't quite as solemn. 

I can appreciate the content and intent of this episode but it felt rushed. Watching it a second time helped me to contextualize it all.

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