Saturday, September 7, 2019

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 1.03


Adora, Shimmer, and Bow arrive in Bright Moon. Shimmer wants Adora to transform into She-Ra before introducing her to the queen. Adora has a bit of trouble doing that. She manages to transform the horse but not herself. It's unclear why.

Adora chases the horse and brings attention to herself. Bright Moon's guards recognize her as a Horde soldier based on her clothing. She runs off into the woods where she meets Razz, an old woman. Razz isn't very helpful at first and just wants Adora (whom she keeps calling Mara) to pick berries with her.

Adora locates Swift Wind, the horse, whose name she learned from Razz. It is under attack by Horde soldiers. Adora transforms into She-Ra and, with some help Razz, fights the Horde soldiers. Later she returns to Bright Moon and meets the queen.

Catra doesn't venture forth from the Fright Zone. Shadow Weaver is very angry with her and takes her to see Hordak. Shadow Weaver thinks she needs to be punished but Hordak promotes Catra to the rank of Force Captain.


I'm still enjoying this show. I can't wait for Adora and Catra's next encounter but this episode has a lot that pleased me. I enjoy watching Adora develop. She's got the power but she still has to learn how to use it. I also love how Adora and Catra are old friends who are now stuck on opposite sides of a big fight.

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