Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Russian Doll 1.07

The Way Out

Nadia and Alan try to fix things. They make a plan to go back and meet at the bodega (like they almost did the first time) but it doesn't work. Nadia starts having visions of herself as a young girl. Each time she sees herself she (and Alan) die.

She returns to life in the bathroom at the party over and over again. The crowd at the party gets smaller and smaller each time she returns. Maxine is the only one there the last time she returns.

Alan decides he has to talk to Beatrice. He goes to see her. He apologizes. Mike shows up. Alan is nice to him. Alan's nose starts bleeding as he's getting ready to go. Nadia had the same thing happen to her when she saw herself as a young girl.

Nadia goes to see Ruth, to talk to her about Lenora, her mother. She tries apologizing to Ruth. She says that she killed her mother, but Ruth isn't buying it. She makes some tea. Nadia expects the stove to blow up killing them, like it did in 1.05, but it doesn't. Nadia gets an idea. She finds her copy of Emily and the New Moon. She goes to see John's daughter. She tries telling her about the book but once again it doesn't work out.


This episode was very trippy. At one point I thought that the title meant that it would actually end with Nadia and Alan figuring out what was going on or at least finding the way out of it. I'm not sure what to expect of the final episode.

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