Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Dear White People 1.07

Chapter VII

Sam and Reggie don't show up for the protest at the pep rally. Gabe is left wondering what happened. The ones who do show up to protest can't get in because it is a ticketed event. Gabe starts to see things in how Sam and Reggie are acting towards one another. He starts imagining things, sexy things, involving Sam and Reggie.

Gabe and Joelle spend an afternoon walking around campus taking the temperature of the other student groups. They are trying to get a sense of which groups are with the BSU and which are not. Gabe let's his insecurities show. Joelle doesn't really want to hear it. He's so insecure that he lets a bomb drop. He's the one who called the police. He didn't know what would happen. He didn't think that campus security carried guns. Joelle tells him not to tell anyone else, especially Sam.

Gabe and Sam spend some time together. He confesses that he's in love with her. She tells him that she's in love with him. They go to his room. Everything seems to be going great until someone sends Sam the 911 call that summoned the police. She recognizes his voice. He tries to apologize but it's too late.

She takes off. He tries to find her. He eventually catches up to her at Armstrong-Parker. Everyone is there. They all know that he's the one who called. He tries to apologize to Reggie and everyone else. It does not go over well.


Gabe gets the spotlight. I wasn't expecting that but it worked out well in terms of storytelling. I never imagined that it would turn out that it was Gabe who called the police.

I love the scenes where Gabe imagined what Sam and Reggie were up to. One of them was a take on a scene from Do the Right Thing but I don't know what the others were referencing.

Ikumi, who was also in 1.05, shows up again but doesn't have more than a handful of lines. According to IMDB her next appearance isn't until season 3.

Despite the fact that it seems like Sam and Reggie are together now, I don't think that will last. I think Reggie will get to be a little too possessive for Sam. I think Reggie is more into Sam than she is into him. I don't think that means that she will get back together with Gabe, she might but I'm not counting on it.

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