Sunday, April 12, 2020

Future Man 2.01

Countdown to a Prologue

Josh wakes up, no longer in a jail cell. He is back in Joosh's home. He is under house arrest. Paul and Officer Skarsgaard are keeping an eye on him. It seems a little weird until Tiger and Wolf show up. They kill Paul and Skarsgaard, who were actually biotics, and explain to Josh that they have to save the world again.

Everything seems good until Tiger and Wolf start asking Paul the same questions that Paul and Skarsgaard asked him. They want information about Stu Camillo. He catches them in a lie and then starts freaking out. The world dissolves and he wakes up somewhere else.

Josh is chained to a bed. He is told that he is a savior. He quickly learns that they haven't told him the truth. They just want to get information out of him but the process will kill him. He breaks free and escapes from the cave complex where they were keeping him. He gets outside only to discover that he is no longer in his own time but in the future. It is Blaptember 36, 2162 and he is just outside of Lost Angeles.


This is an interesting start to the season. I'm not sure what to expect next, aside from the return of Tiger and Wolf. I think that is probably how the writers want the viewers to feel. The only downside is that I'm not sure what to think at this point. Are they just throwing stuff against the wall or is there a real plan here for this season? I don't know.

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