Sunday, April 19, 2020

Future Man 2.02

The i of the Tiger

This episode picks up with what happened to Tiger and Wolf after the end of the first season. They return to the future, to the year 2162. They think that everything is better but they soon discover otherwise. Wolf tries eating a mega-bean and gets very sick. Humans show up from a settlement called the NAG (New Above Ground) to help him. Their leader thinks he recognizes Wolf but he calls him Torque. The leader looks just like Weasel but he goes by Wrench. He doesn't recognize Tiger.

Tiger takes off and winds up at the MONS, another settlement. The humans at this settlement are preparing for the settlement of the planet Mars. Their leader is Dr. Stu Camillo. He reveals to Tiger that it was his research on a super bug that saved humanity. She tries to kill him but he turns out to be a hologram. The biological entity known as Stu Camillo no longer exists but his personality and memories still exist in an AIS (Augmented Intelligent System).

Dr. Eunice Hogavee treats Tiger's wounds while she talks to Stu. Camillo reveals that the cure for all ailments that Dr. Kronish was working on was destroyed when the lab was blown up by Josh. Stu was able to come up with a new cure and he found the key in Tiger's DNA sample.

Dr. Hogavene finds the Time Travel Device that Tiger buried before entering the MONS.

Stu introduces Tiger to his daughter, Diane, who looks a little like Tiger.


I see that they are doing like they did in the second half of last season. They have split the trio up and are having separate episodes about each of them. From the looks of it the next episode is all about Wolf.

Josh is not in this episode.

Dr. Hogavene, or someone who looks just like her, was also in the previous episode.

I'm not in love with this season so far but I think that I will stick with it for now. I'm curious to see where it goes.

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