Thursday, April 16, 2020

Atypical 3.04


Paige encourages Sam to make some friends. He's resistant. He already has Zahid. Paige tells him a story about her roommate who freaked out at a party and is now made fun of by everybody. She doesn't want Sam to wind up like her roommate.

Evan feels the need to go visit his father, whom he doesn't get along with, but he doesn't want to go. Casey talks him into going and promises to help him maintain his cool. Beth, Evan's sister, goes along with them. They are going, ostensibly, because their father's dog is dying but when they get there they find out that isn't the case.

Sam gets invited to a party thrown by some students from one of his art classes. They are calling it an art jam. Sam doesn't want to go but when Zahid hears about it he talks Sam into going and goes with him. Zahid is down because he feels left out in nursing school.

Elsa is organizing a clothing drive. Kathy and Luisa come over to help her organize clothes. Izzy stops by to drop off one of Casey's book s and gets sucked into helping out.

Doug finds out that Elsa paid Megan a visit. He confronts Elsa about it.

Sam has more fun at the art jam than Zahid. He makes some new friends. Zahid is taking out the recycling when he runs meets Gretchen, a girl who was hanging out behind the dumpster. It is love at first sight.

Casey, Evan, and Beth end up leaving in a rush. They grab their father's dog on the way out. Casey got angry and yelled at their father. Evan's car breaks down on the way home and Doug has to come and pick them up.

Sam tells Paige about the art jam. She's happy for him but she isn't happy for herself. She doesn't have a roommate. She's the one who freaked out at a party and is now teased by everyone in her dorm.


The title is something that Kathy says to Else when she walks in to Elsa's home: You Got A Ghost Girl.

Gretchen seems more than a little suspect. Why was she hiding behind a dumpster? I think that she's going to break Zahid's heart. He's still floating on cloud nine at the end of the episode but how long will that last?

Poor Doug. He still seems like a supporting character.

This is a really good episode. I like it in so many ways. All of the different threads worked for me. They all touched me.

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