Thursday, April 9, 2020

Atypical 3.03

Cocaine Pills and Pony Meat

Sam has more trouble adjusting to life at Denton University. Doug suggests he try scheduling things. It works at first but then he gets off track and everything seems to fall apart. He's about ready to quit when Doug suggests he drop a class. Instead of dropping a class, or maybe in addition to doing so, Sam goes to see  counselor and asks for some help.

Elsa does her best to ask Doug about Megan. She goes to see Julia, who recently gave birth. Julia doubts Elsa's description of how things are going with Doug.

Casey is surprised to learn that Evan has no real interest in travelling. Izzy gets Casey interested in going to UCLA after high school. Casey wants Evan to come with them. Evan is very resistant. He doesn't react well to Casey's efforts to get him interested in something more than delivering pizza.

Doug is, once again, a supporting character in the other character's lives. Zahid, once again, gives Sam some advice, this time about how to take notes. Sara Gilbert plays the part of one of Sam's professors.


This was a decent episode. Nothing really momentous happens in it but I enjoyed watching the characters interact. I had my doubts about how things would end with Casey and Evan.

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