Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Star Blazers 2199 1.17

Out of the Forest of Memory

General Domel is recalled and accused of being behind the attack that killed Desler. Domel objects to the accusation but his objections are ignored and he is sentenced to death. His wife has already been arrested and is carted off with a bunch of other rebels. Melba Ditz watches from a distance as Elisa is loaded on to a ship with a bunch of other prisoners.

The Yamato arrives at a giant space gate. XO Sanada believes that the gate will allow them to leap forward 30,000 light years and get back on track. He goes to investigate the gate, which needs to be activated before they can use it, along with Kodai and Mori.

The gate predates the Gamilas who have also used it. The only inhabitants they find are robots that are left to guard the gate. A couple secrets are revealed while they are aboard the gate. Mori is not from Iscandar as previously indicated but she was with Yurisha (who was from Iscandar) when they were both attacked on earth. Yurisha is in a state of suspended animation is aboard the Yamato. The captain doesn't have the exact route to Iscandar. They are navigating off of Yurisha's memories.

Sanada also reveals that he was friends with Kodai's brother years ago. Kaoru Niimi worked for him back then. Sanada still has a book of poems that Mamoru gave him. Sanada knew that Operation M, in which Mamoru was killed (see 1.01), was a diversion but he was unable to tell Mamoru. He still regrets that fact.

Sanada seems to sacrifice himself in order to get the gate open. Kodai and Mori think that he's been killed but he found a way to shield himself from deadly radiation that otherwise would have killed him.

Misaki, who has been acting strange in recent episodes as if she is possessed, seems to be controlled by the spirit of Yurisha.


I like this episode for the insight it provides but it still feels as if this show is trying to do too much, too fast. I wish that the story was a little more slowly paced.

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