Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nurse Jackie 1.12

Health Care and Cinema

Eddie goes to Kevin's bar after he sees Jackie leave for the day. He hangs out and drinks a lot. Kevin and Eddie start talking and in the process of their conversations Eddie learns stuff.

Zoey is dressed in gray scrubs because she's still feeling bad about what she did to Mr. Nutterman in 1.11. The gray scrubs are bringing everyone down. They ask her to change but she doesn't want to.

Dr. O'Hara is having her mother brought over from England. She needs Jackie to help her get her into the country illegally.

Coop is still convinced that he and Jackie have great chemistry. He thinks that she broke her finger so that she could spend time with him. She tells him he's a moron and then kisses him. He is left confused.

Gloria announces that there will be an investigation into the accidental overdose of Mr. Nutterman. She gets on an elevator and gets stuck there for a few hours. She tries calling the nursing station but Zoey keeps hanging up on her. Eventually someone calls a repairman and Gloria escapes from the elevator.

Jackie gets frustrated with the new pill machine. The trick Eddie showed her doesn't work. She tries calling him several times but he doesn't pick up. Eddie shows up at the ER drunk. Gloria threatens to call security but he leaves on his own. He tells Jackie before he leaves that he met Kevin.

Zoey goes to see Mr. Nutterman. He wakes up. She has changed into some scrubs with bunnies on them. He seems to have lost his memory.

Jackie is fed up with the pill machine. She puts in her own code and gets the pain killers she needs to calm her mood. She locks herself in an empty room and takes them. She lies down on the ground and starts hallucinating. She comes out of it just in time to see the silhouette mouse of a mouse currying through the ceiling above the light.


There are a lot of loose ends here. I'm not sure where to begin. I would be happier if there was another episode in this season. The ending set a lot of things up but it didn't blow me away. It wasn't awful or bad but it just didn't feel like an appropriate way to end the season. I'm curious about where the show will go next but I'm not dying to see what comes next.

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