Monday, May 25, 2020

Atypical 3.09

Sam Takes a Walk

Sam has to draw something that shows how he feels about a political issue, for his art class midterm. He decides to draw a picture that shows the effect of global warming on penguins. He has the house to himself because Elsa, Doug, and Casey go out of town for a track meet.

Casey is in a bit of a funk over breaking up with Evan. She thinks that hanging out with Izzy will make her feel better but then things get complicated. Izzy doesn't want their feelings for one another shared with anyone else. Izzy freaks out when she finds out that Sam knows about them; he saw them kissing.
Doug and Elsa spend time together. They start to reconnect and open up about things that they used to like about their relationship.

Paige comes over to see Sam while the others are gone. He is busy with his work. He gets angry when he realizes that Elsa sent her over to check on him. His troubles are compounded by the fact that he keeps getting reminded of Zahid. He finds a shirt that Zahid left at his place and goes to Techtropolis to give it back to Zahid. Sam gets very agitated when he sees Zahid and then accidentally starts a fire in the store.

Casey and Izzy go to a dance the night before the track meet. Izzy gets nervous when Casey starts dancing close to her. She goes to get something to drink and then starts dancing and then making out with a guy. Casey is hurt and doesn't talk to Izzy for the rest of the night or the next day at the track meet. Casey gets some emotional support from Sharice, her friend from Newton

Sam finally figures out what he needs to complete his midterm assignment. He doesn't burn down the house as his mother feared he would. The episode ends with him discovering that Zahid is about to elope with Gretchen and miss taking one of his nursing school midterms.


This was Sharice's only appearance in season 3. She was in four episodes in season one and two episodes in season 2. Her most recent appearance was in episode 2.09.

It was tough to watch Casey get the cold shoulder from Izzy. Elsa and Doug's scenes really got to me. I could feel how much they cared about one another and at the same time feel that they both were concerned about getting hurt again. I could feel what Sam was going through but it didn't strike me as hard as his parents' or his sister's situation.

This was another great episode.

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