Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Captain Harlock (1978) 1.04

Under the Flag of Freedom

Tadashi leaves the Arcadia. Kei gives him a device with which he can signal Captain Harlock in case he decides that he wants to join them again. Tadashi goes to his parents grave. There he meets Professor Kusko who has deciphered the symbols on the giant black sphere. The professor explains it all to the Earth's government. He tells them that the Mazone are there to conquer the Earth but the ministers of the government don't listen to him.

Professor Kusko goes into more detail when he and Tadashi are alone. The professor believes that the  giant black sphere is a beacon that is being used to guide the Mazone's forces to Earth. Tadashi notices someone watching them and goes running after that person. He doesn't catch the Mazone who was watching them but he goes to the Prime Minister afterwards. Tadashi explains that Professor is in danger of being killed by the Mazone.

The Prime Minisher laughs off Tadashi's concerns and has him arrested. Commander Kiruta accuses Tadashi of being an agent of Captain Harlock. Professor Kusko is murdered by the Mazone while Tadashi is being arrested. The Prime Minister offers Tadashi a pardon if he will board the Arcadia and murder Captain Harlock. Tadashi angrily refuses to do so.

Tadashi is sentenced to 20 years in prison. He escapes while he is being transported to prison. He grabs a guard's gun and escapes on foot. He evades the guard but is attacked by one of the Mazone. He kills her and decides that his best course of action is to use the signal device that Kei game him. The Arcadia comes for him. Tadashi swears an oath of loyalty to the crew of the Arcadia and is welcomed aboard by the entire crew.


There is a little backstory provided for Tadashi while he is locked up awaiting sentencing. His mother was killed on a spaceship near Neptune. It was an accident but the incident was blamed on his mother.

Professor Kusko says that the symbols on the giant black sphere are similar to ones found in ancient Mayan ruins.

This feels like the end of the opening arc of this series. I enjoyed it for what it is. It is a 1970s anime series which looks and feels just like that. It is nowhere near as complex as series from more recent times. It doesn't talk down to the audience but it is fairly straightforward. This seems like a good place to take a break but I plan to return after I have watched episodes from some of the other anime series I'm still in the midst of watching.

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