Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Knights of Sidonia 1.10


Nagate, Yuhata, and Izana visit the Gravity Inn which is in a remote area of Sidonia. It was Yuhata's idea. She brings along a book, Strange Tales of Sidonia. One of the legends has to do with Ochiai. His abandoned laboratory is near the inn and Yuhata used her clearance to obtain the key to the tunnels that lead to the lab.

Numi continues to keep an eye on the Ena that looks like Hoshijiro. She reports back to Yure Shinatose, her boss, about her discovery that the Ena is entranced by the Kabizashi.

Yuhata uses the key and they enter the facility where Ochiai's lab is supposed to be. Izana is very reluctant. The door locks behind them and they have to look for another way out. Nagate finds a broken elevator. Once Nagate fixes the elevator it takes them down to a level with zero gravity. They don't get any further. They are hit with tranquilizer darts. It takes several darts to knock out Nagate, unlike Izana and Yuhata.

Nagate is greeted by Yure Shinatose, Izana's grandmother, when he wakes up. She shows him what's left of one of Ochiai's experiments, a human/gauna hybrid. Captain Kobayashi shows up a minute later. Norio Kunato and Mozuku are finding out about Ochiai's experiments on human/gauna hybrids at the same time, but through a different means.

The dead human/gauna hybrid is what draws the Gaunas to Sidonia but it has also helped the scientists of Toho Heavy Industries to develop a new form of Kabi. They are developing new weapons that employ the man-made Kabi. Captain Kobayashi wants Nagate to field test the new weapon.

Nagate's companions wake up back in the inn. He is there with them. He tells them that he doesn't remember what happened, neither do they.

Numi continues to keep an eye on the Ena that looks very much like Hoshijiro. It has started to write things on the glass. 

Tanikaze and Yuhata visit another top secret section of Sidonia. This time they are there on orders. They talk to Sasaki and are told about the new weapons that are being developed. It all looks very familiar to Tanikaze. It reminds him of the simulator he used to practice when he still lived with his grandfather. The new weapon will allow them to destroy the gauna at a greater distance.

The colony ship is launched, full of anti-war protestors and without any weapons. A gauna is spotted approaching it when it is far from Sidonia. Tanikaze asks permission to take the new experimental weapon and defend the colony ship. Captain Kobayashi grants permission and Tanikaze takes off. She wonders after the fact if it was a mistake. Tanikaze attacks and destroys the gauna with just two shots of the new weapon system.

Nagate goes to see the Ena that looks like Hoshijiro. It writes his name with a pen. 

Izana gets promoted from cadet to pilot. She isn't in a good mood about it when Nagate runs into her. She almost gets herself killed but Nagate saves her before she accidentally falls from a great height.

A mass of Gaunas is spotted. The mass is estimated to be more than 8000 times the size of Sidonia.


This episode has some good moments but it also fast forwards the story a little too much. I like the moments of discovery and even some of the humor.

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