Friday, November 6, 2020

Justice League 2.05.A

Hearts and Minds - Part 1

Four members of the Green Lantern Corps (Katma, Killowog, Galius, Arkkis) are on what they think is a simple extraction mission when they are overwhelmed by forces far stronger than them. Killowog is the only one to escape.

Killowog crash lands on Earth. He's barely conscious when John Stewart, Flash, Shayera, and J'onn J'onzz find him. He mumbles something about Katma being taken. John takes off immediately leaving the others to help Killowog. They take him to the Watchtower. They fix him up and learn from him about the Legion of the Third Eye, a fanatical cult from the planet Kalinor led by Despero. The Legion invaded Ranstad 7. The Green Lantern Corps was sent in to help.

John Stewart finds the remains of a Green Lantern Corps G Class Cruiser. He heads next to Kalinor where he tries to get some information on Despero but no one is willing to talk to him. He eventually finds Radocko, who claims to be a friend of Katma. He also finds her power ring but before he can make any more progress he is attacked by the Legion of the Third Eye and taken prisoner.

Flash and Killowog check out John's apartment. They are looking for his lantern so that Killowog can recharge his ring. They find it and leave quickly after getting assaulted by John's landlady.

John Stewart is taken to see Despero, who explains his origin story and how he first came into contact with the Flame of Pytar. John doesn't care for Despero's attitude but when he tries standing up to him he gets struck down. Despero then instructs one of his priestesses, Katma, to throw John into the Flame of Pytar, which she does.

John is saved from the Flame by Radocko and Shifflet, members of the Resistance, who use a matter transporter to bring him to the safety of their headquarters. Katma shows up and explains that she is working undercover. She sticks around for a few minutes but then has to return to Despero's side who is getting ready to take over the galaxy.


Despero is played by Keith David.

Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are not in this episode. Shayera and J'onn are only in it very briefly. Flash gets a little more screen time than they do but for the most part this is a Green Lantern story.

It looks like three of the four Green Lanterns are killed in the opening scene but I'm guessing that if Katma is still alive then Galius and Arkkis probably are as well.

How did John Stewart know that he would find Katma on Kalinor? Was he able to trace her using his ring? all the way across the galaxy? It seems a little far fetched but I'm not sure how else he knew where to go.

Katma and John had a dual relationship back in the day. She trained him but she was also his lover. Shayera seems to bristle a bit when she learns of John's relationship with Katma.

I barely remember this one from the last time I watched this season, years ago. So far I am not terribly impressed.

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