Monday, November 9, 2020

Justice League 2.05.B

Hearts and Minds - Part 2

The Resistance, including John Stewart and Katma, are under attack from the Legion of the Third Eye. John's ring stops working. He grabs a gun and continues to fight on but the Resistance is badly outnumbered and forced to fall back. Things go from bad to worse until John's teammates (Flash, Shayera, J'onn) and Kilowog show up.

The Justice League, Katma, Kilowog, and the Resistance go underground again to regroup. Katma trains John after it is determined that it isn't his ring that failed but something inside himself. He believes that Despero played a role in crippling his abilities. John isn't keen on the idea of going through training all over again but he doesn't have any better ideas.

J'onn comes to the conclusion that the Flame of Pytar must be a power source akin to the one that powers the Green Lantern rings. The only way to take it out is a carbon bomb. They don't have one but Kilowog says he can build one. Radocko goes to Despero and betrays the Resistance's location to him. The forces of Despero attack while Kilowog is working on the carbon bomb. Kilowog completes the bomb in time for himself, Flash, and J'onn to escape but John, Shayera, and Katma are captured.

Despero uses the force of the Pytar first on Katma and then on Shayera. John decides he's had enough and tries to summon his ring. It takes a great effort but his ring comes to him and he breaks free and attacks Despero.

J'onn, Flash, and Kilowog fight their way through to the Flame of Pytar. They are about to use the carbon bomb when J'onn senses that the Flame is a living being. He uses his telepathic powers and it speaks through him. The forces of Despero throw down their weapons and the Pytar transforms Kalinor from a desert into a jungle. Despero and his troops are transformed into trees.

Katma tries to get John to stay with her but he decides that it is time for him to go. He leaves with Shayera, J'onn, and Flash. Katma and Kilowog stay behind to help clean up Kalinor


The best part of this story is the little moments between John and Shayera. I also liked the budding friendship between Flash and Kilowog. Neither of those relationships were at the center of this story. I love Keith David and the way he played Despero but the character didn't really add anything of value to this story. 

I think I liked this part a little better than the first one but this still is far from my favorite story from this season.

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