Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mr. Inbetween 2.11

There Rust, and Let Me Die

Ray and Dave drive to the spot that Alex described. They let him out of the trunk but keep him cuffed. Ray digs while Dave keeps an eye on Alex, from a distance. Ray finds something but Alex takes that moment to take off running into the night. Gary shows up. They look for Alex but don't find him.

Ray and Brittany bury Ray's dog in the park where he was killed. Brittany spends some time with Bruce. They read from and re-enact a scene from Romeo and Juliet. He starts crying when it is time for her to leave. She doesn't understand why. He doesn't offer an explanation.

Ray and Bruce go out to their childhood home. They drink beer and talk a lot. Bruce wants Ray to forgive their father. Ray says he can't. Eventually he promises that he will try.

Bruce decides that it is time. Ray fills a syringe with a lethal dose. He sticks it in Bruce's arm and injects him with it. They say their goodbyes and then Bruce dies. Ray gets some gas cans from his car. He splashes gas all over the small home and then lights it on fire.


Well, that wasn't quite what I expected after the last episode. The opening was tense but it ended kind of abruptly, not satisfying in the least bit. I was hoping for more. I'm still not sure why Dave doesn't blame Ray for Vinnie's death. It was a job but he still had a choice in the matter.

Ray ditches the eyepatch after the opening scene. There's no explanation and not much of a scar. Very convenient. It is also unclear what Brittany knows about the dog's death.

I remember Ray promising Bruce to take care of him when he decided it was time. I didn't expect it to happen in this episode.

Ally never returned. If there's a third season I guess she might resurface there.

This season had some strong moments including some in this episode. I got choked up watching this episode but it was nowhere near as dark as episodes 8 and 9, just sad.

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