Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Captain Harlock (1978) 1.37

Tears on a Red Sweater

Shizuka stays in contact with Queen Lafresia who gives her a new mission. Shizuka fails to complete that mission which leads Queen Lafresia to conclude that Captain Harlock knows that she is a spy. Queen Lafresia cuts off contact with Shizuka.

Shizuka gets desperate. She tries shooting her way on to the bridge. Captain Harlock orders her off the Arcadia. The Mazone try to kill her once she is out in space The crew of the the Arcadia rescue her and nurse her back to health. She turns on them once she has recovered but it turns out to be an empty threat although they don't realize that until after Captain Harlock has shot and killed her.


I had to recreate my notes (a few days after I watched this episode) because my original set of notes mysteriously vanished. My original summary of this episode was more detailed.

I don't fully understand the title. There is a red swearer in this story. Shizuka makes it for Captain Harlock but after he kills her he puts it on her before he sets her body adrift in space.

This was a very good episode. The story of Shizuka Namino over the past few episodes is on the whole one of the better arcs in this series. It didn't always make sense, especially at first glance, but once it had all played out it felt very much was made for more than just children.

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