Thursday, August 24, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 11.04.05

The Monster of Peladon - Part Five

The Doctor survives the explosion of the sonic lance but Ettis does not. Sarah and Alpha Centauri are taken to the throne room and held prisoner there, along with Queen Thalira and Ortron. They come up with a plan to escape by distracting the Ice Warrior guarding them. They exeecute their plan but Ortron gets killed.  Queen Thalira stays behind to look after his body, but Sarah and Alpha Centauri escape and head to the control room.

Eckersley shuts off the air vents in the mine knowing that the miners will have to evacuate or suffocate. Queen Thalira is questioned by Azaxyr. She tells him that Sarah and Alpha Centauri went to join the miners. Eckersley and Azaxyr head to the refinery where they use the statue of Aggedor and some high tech gadgets to kill some of the miners in an effort to flush the rest out of the mines.

The Doctor runs into Gebek. Together they head to the refinery. They overhear Azaxyr and Eckersley talking. Sarah and Alpha Centauri are in the control room and are also able to overhear Azaxyr and Eckersly talking. It becomes clear that Eckersley was working with the Ice Warriors all along.

The Doctor and Gebek wait until Eckersley and Azaxyr have left the refinery and then break-in. Sarah joins them there. They turn the vents back on but then three Ice Warriors show up and starts to burn down the door.


Toby Hadoke, Terrence Dicks (script editor), Barry Letts (producer), Donald Gee (Eckersley), and Stuart Fell (body of Alpha Centauri) are on the commentary track for this episode.

This is a decent penultimate episode. The cliffhanger was a good one. I wouldn't say that that I was scared for the Doctor and Sarah but the Ice Warriors seemed menacing as they were burning down the door.

I like this story, so far, more than I thought I would. I think it is a little overloaded. I wish that there was more to the motivations of the bad guys than just greed and conquest.

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