Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 11.04.04

The Monster of Peladon - Part Four

Ice Warriors take over the Citadel and the mining operation. They claim to be representatives of the Federation but that claim is later proved to be false. They are there for their own purposes.

The miners attempt to rescue Gebek. The rescue attempt goes badly. Many of the miners are killed. Ice Warrior Commander Azaxyr is ready to execute the Doctor but he he holds off when he learns that the Doctor is the best hope he has for getting the miners back to work. The Doctor goes to Gebek and talks him into getting the miners back to work, which he does, but with the understanding that it is just to get the Ice Warriors to lower their guard.

The Doctor raises the temperature in the mines. Heat causes the Ice Warriors to get weak. The miners and the guards team up and attack once the Ice Warriors look like they are about to drop.

The Doctor finds out from Sarah that Ettis, one of the miners, has gone batty and is planning to use the sonic lance to destroy the Citadel. The Doctor catches up to Ettis just as he is about to use the lance. The Doctor puts up a fight but is unable to stop Ettis. The sonic lance, which was booby trapped by the Ice Warriors, explodes.


The crew on the commentary track for this episode is for the most part different than on the first three episodes. Toby Hadoke is still the moderator but he is joined by Robert Shearman, Mark Aldrisge, Kate Du-Rose, and Philip Newman. They talk about the differences and similarities between this story and Curse of Peladon. They also talk about the things they like and don't like about this story.

I like how the focus shifts in this episode. The strife between the miners and Ortron is forgotten and the Ice Warriors become the menace. I will see how well that holds up in the last two episodes but for the moment it is working. I was getting a little tired of the bickering and the miners' superstitions.

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