Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Orange Is the New Black 6.13

Be Free

Chapman finds out that she has been granted early release. Flores is also among those granted early release. Chapman has mixed emotions. She wants out but she doesn't want to leave Vause.

Flaca talks Cindy into covering the kickball game with her.

Barb and Carol get their respective gangs geared up for the kickball game. They each tell their people that they want there to be violence and lots of it.

CO Alvarez announces that the betting pool will have to end early because Mendoza found Luschek's score sheet.

Aleida comes to see her daughter. Daya is high at the time and it shows. Aleida confronts Hopper about what she witnessed, once she gets backto his place.

Chapman and Vause get prison married. Nichols officiates the ceremony. Morello is also present. Flaca and Cindy show up just as the ceremony is ending.

Taystee is found guilty of the second degree murder of CO Piscatella. Caputo confronts one of the COs from Litchfield after the trial is over. The CO beats him up when Caputo tries to get physical with him.

The kickball games happens but there is no bloodbath. Barb and Carol are not present and everyone is enjoying themselves so much that they ignore orders when Badisson tries to get her them to rush the others.

There is one flashback spotlight moment. It involves Barb and Carol. It occurs in the last 10 minutes of the episode just as Barba and Carol decide they have had enough of one another and stab each other to death.

The episode ends with Chapman, Bursett, and Flores getting released from and Taystee returning to Litchfield. Flores is immediately picked up by ICE and put back in handcuffs. Diablo is there to pick her up but he's at the wrong side of the building and doesn't see her being led away. Bursett is met by Crystal, her ex-wife. Chapman is met by Cal, her brother.


What happened to Coates? Is he just gone? Doggett's role on the show, once she got back to Litchfield, seemed to diminish considerably.

Flaca seemed to be a bit player for the entire season. There were a number of other characters who had bigger roles in prior seasons who barely showed up in this one.

It feels like they left a few things hanging for the seventh season. I'm thinking of Taystee's situation. I'm referring both to her getting convicted and her relationship with Cindy I'm also thinking of the operation that Alieda and Hopper have going. Will they resolve those things early in the seventh season or stretch them out over the entire season? 

I felt like I was heavily sedated as I watched this episode. Nothing about it excited me. It felt like they were checking off boxes but it didn't feel like they were doing much more than that.

This episode is about 85 minutes long. It felt a little slow at first but once it got to about the 35 minutes mark it really started to drag for me. This episode was a real downer. I don't feel energized to watch the seventh and final season but I probably will, eventually.

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