Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 15.05.03

Underworld - Part Three

The Doctor reverses the blowers. The noxious gas is sucked out of the caverns. The Doctor heads back to the R1C once he has recovered from the effects of the gas. He sends K-9 to find the crew of the R1C.

The Doctor, Leela, and Ilas go looking for Idmon, father of Ilas, who is due to be executed. They use a back entrance to get into the P7E. They are spotted and captured by the guards and brought to the chamber where Idmon is about to be executed. Ilas interferes with the ceremony and saves his father's life.

Jackson and the other crew members of the R1C show up just in time to help the Doctor, Leela, Ilas, and the other Trogs (workers) escape from the guards of the P7E. Herrick gets captured but everyone else gets away.

Herrick is interrogated. He tries to tell his captors the truth but they insist that he is lying and torture him more.

The Doctor comes up with a plan to sneak back into the P7E by another route.


One of the reveals towards the end of the episode seemed like it would have made a better cliffhanger than the one they chose. I am referring to the moment when the two seers remove their hoods and show their true faces. They look kind of steampunk robotic.

There is a moment during the interrogation when Herrick seems to start writing in pain prematurely.

The division within the people of the P7E is somewhat reminiscent of the divisions in Face of Evil.

This is a much better episode than the previous one but it still falls short of being great. The special effects, they call it CSO in the commentary track, does produce some questionable bits if you are watching closely. What this story lacks is a decent antagonist.

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