Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 15.05.02

Underworld - Part Two

The Doctor's plan works. The R1C, the spaceship, blasts its way out of the debris that is forming around it. The crew uses the last of the fuel to escape from the debris. They pick up the signal from the P7E and follow it. They crash through the soft crust of a planet. They sink below the surface until they find the solid core of the planet.

There are people living down there. Some of the people are workers, others are guards. The crew goes out to do to a little reconnaissance. They insist that the Doctor and Leela stay behind in the R1C. The Doctor only hesitates briefly once the others have left before heading out for a look around.

The Doctor and Leela are spotted by the guards but manage to get away. Idas, one of the workers, runs away from the guards. He gets into the R1C. The Doctor and Leela find him there and try to help him. The Doctor heads out again even though it is clear that the area around the R1C is being fumigated. He collapses after being overcome by the smoke, while tinkering with some machinery he finds.


This was not as much fun as the first installment. There is way too much in the way of green screen effects in this episode. K-9 is used very sparingly in this episode and only in the first couple minutes. There is lots of walking around but it doesn't seem like very much happens in this installment. The crew of the R1C also seems to fade out of the story once they decide to go for a look around. I think I could accept the crappy special effects a little easier if there was at least something interesting going on between some of the characters.

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