Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Paranoia Agent 1.10

Mellow Maromi

The production assistant on a new anime series about Maromi can't seem to do anything other than day dream. He spends most of the episode doing just that. He imagines things and flashes back to the events of the past few days. His inability to do his job correctly causes all sorts of problems for the other people working on the Maromi show.

He is shown driving the video tape of the first episode to the television studio that will be broadcasting it, in a number of scenes. His flashbacks and dreams seem to punctuate that trip. Along the way he is pursued by Shonen Bat. The episode ends with him seeming to become Shonen Bat.


This is yet another episode in which none of the recurring characters from the first seven episodes makes an appearance. The only exceptions to that rule are Shonen Bat and Maromi. 

This episode was funny, weird, and a bit unsatisfying.  I did like how they seemed to introduce all the people on the animation team. It was a bit surrealistic. I'm now more than three-quarters of the way into this series. There's no way I'm stopping now but I'm not sure what to expect over the course of the last three episodes.

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