Monday, May 20, 2024

Wonder Woman 1.02

Fausta: The Nazi Wonder Woman

Fausta is sent to America to capture Wonder Woman and bring her back to Germany. She starts by capturing Major Steve Trevor. Wonder Woman catches up to Fausta and her goons in a warehouse in the Southwest quadrant of Washington, DC. Wonder Woman rescues Steve. Fausta gets to see her nemesis in action in person for the first time.

Fausta comes up with another plan. She impersonates Wonder Woman at a war bonds rally. She lures Wonder Woman into competing against her in a test of strength. Wonder Woman is caught off guard by Fausta's goons and knocked out with ether or chloroform.

Steve is in the audience at the war bods rally. He doesn't see Wonder Woman get captured but he suspects that something is up. He follows the car that Fausta and the unconscious Wonder Woman are in but the car he is driving experiences engine trouble and he is unable to prevent Fausta from flying back to Germany with Wonder Woman.

Fausta's efforts to interrogate Wonder Woman using her magic lasso are stymied by a Nazi colonel who doesn't believe that Wonder Woman is a threat even after seeing footage of what she can do. His interference in Fausta's attempts to interrogate the Amazon give Wonder Woman the opening she needs and she escapes.

Steve is concerned for Wonder Woman's safety. He secretly flies to Germany with some help from a friend in the OSS. He gets captured right around the same time as Wonder Woman is leaving Germany and returning to the United States. Wonder Woman doesn't find out about what Steve did until after she get back to the United States.

Wonder Woman returns to Germany and rescues to Steve. Fausta decides that she's had enough of the Nazis who don't appreciate what she is trying to do for them. Fausta helps Wonder Woman and Steve escape and then joins the German resistance and becomes an agent for the Allies.


Lynda Day George played the part of Fausta. She is perhaps best known for the two season she was part of the regular cast of Mission Impossible in the early 1970s.

Why does Wonder Woman show up wearing a mask at the war bonds rally, just like Fausta? That was strange. It helped Fausta but it didn't do Wonder Woman any good as far as I can tell.

There is no 49th street in the Southwest quadrant of Washington, DC. I laughed when they mentioned the address because I knew that Southwest DC is much too small for the streets to extend all the way to 49th Street. If there was a 49th street then it probably would be somewhere in the Potomac River or possibly on the other side of the Potomac in Arlington or Alexandria, VA.

I liked this episode better than either the TV movie or the previous one. The fight scene with Fausta wasn't as good as the one in the TV movie with Marcia. I was pleased to see that Fausta used the magic lasso, unlike the villain in the previous episode who took it but then never really did anything with it.

So far I would say that this is the best this show has had to offer but there are still plenty of episodes that I have yet to watch.

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