Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sugar 1.01


Private Investigator John Sugar is hired to find twentysomething Olivia, the missing granddaughter of film director Johnathan Siegel. It is Jonathan who hired him but it isn't long before Sugar meets David, Olivia's twentysomething half-brother who also works in Hollywood.

Sugar, in the process of searching Olivia's car, finds the dead body of a man, no one he recognizes. Sugar also crosses paths, intentionally, with Melanie Mackintosh. He found a strip of pictures from a photo booth of Melanie and Olivia, in Olivia's apartment.

Sugar has a mysterious wound on his arm. He hallucinates, towards the end of the episode that he is bleeding profusely. He gets in the shower but later when he wakes up (still in the shower) he discovers that he hasn't been bleeding and that the wound is still bandaged.


Presumably the mystery of Olivia's disappearance and the quest to find her take up most or maybe all of the first season of this show.

This is close to being in my wheelhouse but not close enough to convince me to pay for Apple TV+ so that I can watch the rest of the first season. It's a little too slick for my tastes. This episode was worth the watch if for nothing else just so that I could say that I gave the show a try.

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